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Affiliate network

Add your company to our Affiliate Network, and increase sales with influencer marketing! Add your company to our Affiliate Network, and increase sales with influencer marketing!

Our Network

Companies in our affiliate network offer A&R's a paid commission for referrals, web traffic, new sign-ups and more!

Sales Commission
Pay Per Visit
New Sign-Ups Payout
Display Entertainment

How it Works

Step 1: Add yourself to the ENT. Directory

In order to join our affiliate network, you must first have a verified page in the Entertainment Directory. Visit the ENT. Directory and click the Add to Directory button to begin.


Step 2: Request to Join the Aff. Network

Next, submit this Request Form to Join the Network. You'll be asked questions such as

  • What Products/Services does your company offer?

  • How was your website built?

  • What commission rates would your like to offer?


The cost of joining the Affiliate Network vary based on your response to these questions, and the estimated time it will take to integrate our Program into your website... Often times it is free to join!


Step 3: Schedule Consultation

After submitting the Request to Join Form, you will be sent a link to schedule the Set-Up Consultation. During this time we will walk you through the necessary steps to connect your website with our Affiliate Program. You will need access to a computer and your Website editing program, so please schedule accordingly.


Step 4: Provide Marketing Content for A&R's

You will be provided tons of marketing materials accessible from your Earnings Dashboard. Utilize these to quickly create social posts, send emails & texts to your contacts, and increase sale refferals.


Step 5: Track Analytics and Automatic Payouts

Watch your Sales Grow!

Bi-Monthly the total amount which A&R's earned promoting your website will be charged to your card on file.

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